Regret The Weird Name You Gave Your Child?
Apple, Kal-El. Pilot Inspektor, Kyd, Blanket, Jermajesty. These are actual names gave to actual human being babies by celebrities.
What were they thinking?
Apparently, celebrities are the only ones giving their kids questionable names. A new survey from finds 8% of parents regret the name choice they made for their child. Some have even worked to change their child's name to something "more suitable."
One name that isn't working for a lot of parents: Beyonce. According to an article in the Jamaican Observer, a woman named Camille regrets her name choice: "I regret naming my daughter Beyonce. It seemed like a cool choice at the time, but now every time we say it to other people we get a smirk, or a raised eyebrow. I wish I could change it, but she has identified with it."
In India, meanwhile, more than 200 girls were given the chance to change their "unwanted" name. The girls were named "Nakusa" or "Nakushi" - both literally meaning "Unwanted" - most likely because their Hindu parents had been hoping for a boy. At a renaming ceremony Saturday, they were able to shed their names in favor of something with a better meaning. Some girls chose to name themselves after Bollywood stars or Hindu goddesses.