Nobody will argue that it's hard to make ends meet these days here in the Garden State. It's no secret that New Jersey is one of the most expensive places to live in the country.

Even just to maintain a normal household here in Jersey costs more than it ever has. Inflation, man... what can I say? It's bad.

Even the cheapest big box stores can't seem to steer clear of thievery. These days, if people can get away with it, they're taking what they can. It's almost like a form of modern-day piracy.

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With an increase of self-checkout lines in all grocery stores, it's pretty easy to get away with not paying for something. It's come down to the honor system. These stores are just hoping everybody's honest about their purchases.

People take things from Walmart every single day. As a matter of fact, most of us have probably witnessed an incident or two from our local Walmart stores right here in the Garden State.

Walmart Announces Layoffs Of Some Corporate Staff
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Most common items stolen from Walmart

Walmart is a store that's a sort-of one-stop shop for everything you could possibly need, right? With that being said, there are, in fact, items that get stolen from the big box store more often than others.

Things like jewelry, cosmetics, and electronics are stolen pretty often. Things that you wouldn't think people would even attempt to steal actually make it on the list of Walmart's most commonly stolen items.

Things like packaged meat and dairy products get stolen quite a bit, too. Even things like intimate products and sex toys have made it onto the list.

Walmart Posts Strong First Quarter Earnings
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The 10 Most Stolen Items at Walmart

According to "Aisle of Shame," these are the most common items stolen from Walmart stores.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

Here's What Each Walmart Emergency Color Code Means

Hopefully, you'll never hear these codes announced at Walmart, but if you do, at least you'll know what they mean, and how you should act accordingly.

Gallery Credit: Bobby G.

LOOK: First Photos Of 'The Walmart Of The Future'

Walmart is making a major overhaul of its stores adding features while upgrading others. The company is putting $9 billion into the project which will change nearly 1,400 stores across the company. Here is an inside look at the changes that debuted at the first 117 stores that recently celebrated grand reopenings.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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