A T-Shirt Gives a New Jersey Man Hope
The power of social media can be amazing. Yes, it can be used to spread lies and cause drama. It can also be used to do good. In this case, the good wins out and brings hope to a New Jersey man.
Robert Leibowitz, of Lawrenceville, NJ went to Disney with his kids sporting a very important t-shirt.
Leibowitz goes for dialysis three times a week for 4 hours at a time for chronic kidney disease. He has been doing this for three years. Leibowitz is on the live donor list for 5 hospitals, but was told it could take 7 years. Unfortunately, none of his kids are eligible donors.
Leibowitz took his 5 kids, ranging from 14 to 32, to Disney World and sported a very special shirt.
With help from his 14 year old daughter, Leibowitz made a t-shirt that said "In need of a kidney O Positive Call 917-597-2651."
A woman, Rocio Sandoval, encouraged by her husband approached Leibowitz and his family asking if she could take a picture of the shirt. Leibowitz of course allowed her to.
Since the photo was posted on Facebook it has received over 90,000 shares.
On Tuesday Juan and I celebrated his birthday at Magic Kingdom. On our way out we saw this man pushing a teenage boy in...
Posted by Rocio Yanira Sandoval on Friday, August 25, 2017
Leibowitz said that over 400 people have reached out to him and he has been in touch with about 30. All of which agreed to fill out the donor application.
According to the National Kidney Foundation, in 2016 out of the over 121,500 people in the U.S. on the organ transplant list, almost 101,000 of them were in need of a kidney transplant. Over 17,000 kidney transplants occurred in the U.S. in 2014, the majority of the kidneys coming from deceased donors.
Every 14 minutes someone is added to the kidney transplant list.
This year alone there are over 116,000 people on the organ transplant list.
Sources: ABCNews.Go.com, Kidney.org, OPTN.Transplant.HRSA.gov
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