Cat Country’s Guide to Surviving Coronavirus
Let's put a major disclaimer here: We are not doctors. We are not in any way, shape, or form medical professionals. However, these tips are the ones being shared by people who actually know what they are talking about. We are just putting it into an easy to remember acronym.
We can't take credit for this idea. The state's official Twitter account did it first.
So now, we are taking their idea and making it our own.
- Gary Shannon
Gary Shannon 1C
Clean your hands. (Unfortunately, there is no "W" in Cat Country, so clean will have to do.)
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 2A
Always spend at least 20 seconds or more washing your hands.
- Thinkstock
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Take a day off if you feel sick. Don't make everyone else sick because you didn't want to take a sick day.
- Wavebreakmedia Ltd
Wavebreakmedia Ltd 4C
Cover your mouth with a tissue or your arm when you sneeze and/or cough.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 5O
Oh, I don't have one for the letter "O." Just keep scrolling.
- Thinkstock
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Use common sense. Proper hygiene and etiquette come into play here.
- Thinkstock
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Never sneeze on someone or on a surface touched by others.
- Thinkstock
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Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Be mindful when going out and about. If you can't wash your hands, use hand sanitizer. Avoid touching handles.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 9R
Remember to clean surfaces with disinfectant wipes or spray.
- Vitalii Gubin
Vitalii Gubin 10Y
You should stop touching your face. I know this is extremely hard to do, but germs spread fast this way.
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