It's impossible to understand the mindset that kicks in when first responders get called to action. I've had my fair share of emergencies in my life, and the people that show up to help are nothing short of heroes. Angels on earth is what they are. They, quite literally, are saving lives on every shift.

It truly is a shame that first responders don't get the respect they deserve. Sure, there are a few bad eggs, but that's the case in every profession, isn't it? A few ruin the reputation for the majority.

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Well, respect and gratitude has been earned for one officer serving within the Evesham Police Department, that's for sure. For those unfamiliar with Evesham Township, it's located in Burlington County, only about 10-15 minutes northwest of West Berlin. If you know where the construction-themed amusement park Diggerland is, then you’re not too far from Evesham. Just 10ish more minutes up the road, give or take with traffic.

A police officer's bodycam footage is going nuts on the internet right now. It shows him fighting his way through thick smoke in the condo complex of an elderly couple in an effort to rescue them both from a house fire.


Bodycam footage shows heroic rescue by Evesham Township police officer

You'd think it'd be a firefighter's job to go into a dwelling to save someone from the flames, but if they're not on the scene before the police get there, they are the ones that have to attempt to save as many lives as possible.

That's what one officer did upon discovering a condo engulfed in flames. You can hear him describing the situation he's witnessing while making his way towards the unit. He arrives to find a woman inside attempting to get her husband out who cannot walk.

@thegardenstate via Instagram|Evesham Police Department
@thegardenstate via Instagram|Evesham Police Department

The cop instructs the woman to get out of the house while he does everything he can to extract the man.

He succeeds.

Not only does the officer get both the man AND woman out safely, he also manages to grab the man's wheelchair, too.

@thegardenstate via Instagram|Evesham Township Police
@thegardenstate via Instagram|Evesham Township Police

It's not like this was an easy recue, either. The smoke was so thick that you can hear him struggling the entire time. It was the adrenaline pumping through his veins that helped him see the mission through.

If that's not the definition of a hero, then I really don't know what is. Did you hear how much he was coughing on the grass after he finally got the man out?

@thegardenstate via Instagram|Evesham Twp Police
@thegardenstate via Instagram|Evesham Twp Police

What a save. He deserves all the praise social media is sending his way right now. What an incredible ending.

Now would be a good time to review these tips on how to keep your family safe during a fire.

Here's A Quick Fire Safety Refresher To Keep You & Your Loved Ones Safe

New Jersey: Here is a quick reminder just how fast a fire can become fatal. Be safe out there.

Gallery Credit: Nicole Murray

The ABC's of Fire Safety

26 Tips to help keep your home and family safe, including what to do in case of a fire.

Gallery Credit: Cindy Campbell

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