Dear New Jersey, These Dishes Don’t Belong on Your Thanksgiving Table
It's the big day for food and family: It's Thanksgiving!
While traditional Thanksgiving fare includes turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing (or dressing if that's your word for it), other foods often pop up on the holiday table. Some of these foods don't belong there say some New Jerse folks.

When I was growing up, still in high school, I left the family cocoon and visited my girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I was literally dumbfounded by a large bowl of macaroni and cheese on their table. Honestly, I thought it was a joke! "What the heck is wrong with these people," I thought.
Thanksgiving food is traditional Thanksgiving food. It's special, right?
Here's a look at what registered with people as no-nos for the big day:
Jessica: "Sweet potatoes."
Regina: "Canned cranberry sauce." She's right! We're in the cranberry state*, after all, right? We should all know how to make cranberry sauce from scratch! (*Not New Jersey's official designation.)
Lucinda: "Mac and cheese." YAY!
CJ: "Squash and carrot salad." Why would someone make that in the first place? Eww!
Denise: "Any kind of jello salad."
Cynthia "Green bean casserole." Yes! Isn't it time we put this one to rest? Originally created by the fried onion rings syndicate.
Joe: "Squirrel soup.. always sits too heavy on the old gut..." Yeah, that....
Marie: "Creamed corn."
Dee: "Scallops!" Hey, Dee, at $29 a pound, you're family must be rich! LOL! Or, they're fishermen.
Happy Thanksgiving! Reply in the comments and let us know what you're kicking off your table!
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