Emergency Drills Are Set For Atlantic City International Airport
Ironic, that I’m writing about Atlantic City International Airport, while at the Orlando International Airport onboard our Spirit airplane, to come back home to ACY.
This Saturday, May 14, Atlantic City International Airport will be conducting a full-scale emergency exercises.
These exercises are very important in order to be properly prepared in the event of an actual emergency.
“The purpose of the exercise is to test the response to a major incident at the airport. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandates that all airports certificated to serve scheduled passenger-carrying operations of an air carrier aircraft with nine or more seats, like ACY, must have and maintain an Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) designed to minimize the possibility and extent of personal injury and property damage on the airport in an emergency,” according to a public statement from the South Jersey Transportation Authority, ACY and Tim Kroll, Airport Director.
The emergency exercises will take place from 8:00 a.m. until approximately 12:00 noon. Drills will be conducted, by personnel representing: Hospitals and all emergency response agencies that would participate in the event of an actual emergency.
The SJTA, ACY, and Kroll would like the public to know that you may hear sounds and an increase in emergency vehicle traffic during the full-scale training exercise.
Ambulances will also be transporting mock “victims” to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center. Campuses as a part of the training drills.
SOURCE: Tim Kroll, Airport Director - Atlantic City International Airport.
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