3 TikToks That Prove South Jersey Really Is the Alabama Of The Garden State
In case you're not familiar with the whole north versus south Jersey debate, let me clue you in. They're two completely different places. The vibes, people, and even the breakfast meats can't and will not ever agree to put aside their differences and come together as one unified state. That is, unless you're coming for New Jersey's jugular. That's when you should worry.
On a normal day, though, you'll hear Garden State residents swear up and down the the northern and southern most regions of the state couldn't be more different. There is a bit of truth to that.

For one, folks from South Jersey don't even root for the same sports teams as their fellow NJ residents to the north. South Jersey primarily roots for Philly teams while residents to the north root for NY. That's just one of the many reasons why some think the state should be divided into two.
Nowadays, thanks to social media, there's more proof than ever that north and south Jersey are two totally different places entirely.
1.) The South Jersey Accent
It's a running joke for certain NJ residents to refer to the southernmost part of the Garden State as "Alabama". They're not completely off base with that, either. A huge chunk of New Jersey's farmland can be found here and people really do have a slightly different accent than people from North Jersey. It's still the mid-Atlantic accent, but with a Philly-ish twist.
This TikTok puts it all into perspective. WATCH:
2.) South Jersey Apparently Gets Tornadoes Now
That one is a scary fact. It's becoming more and more common for South Jersey to experience a tornado or two now with each passing year. Check out the damage this one inflicted on a neighborhood in Mullica Hill last year:
3.) Hunting and Fishing Is Life
If you've ever listened to any country song, you either heard them talk about hunting, fishing, drinking, or a combination of all three. Well, if that sounds like some Southern stereotypes to you, welcome to South Jersey. Look:
4.) The Many South Jersey Backwaters
You know how Alabama is known for its swamps? Well, in South Jersey, there are plenty of rivers and tributaries that you'll find people boating on at any given time.
Sure, so South Jersey's the Alabama of the Garden State. Not sure anyone that lives here would have it any other way, though.
Source: TikTok
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