Get a Shout Out on Cat Country This Week
Here's how to get a shout out of your name on Cat Country 107.3 this week.
We've got a fairly new App (Cat Country 107.3 - download it for free), and we're still finding cool things to do with it.
OF COURSE, you can use it to listen to Cat Country 107.3 anytime and anywhere on Planet Earth.
This week (November 26 -30), you can also use the Cat Country 107.3 APP to get yourself a shout out on the radio!
On the APP for this week only, we've activated a special "GET A SHOUT OUT" Button! Just click on it, submit your name, and listen for it!
Don't have the Cat Country 107.3 APP on your phone or tablet? Download it and you'll be on your way!
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