If You Dig Craft Beer, You’ll Love Manahopkin!
It could very well be the best craft beer festival in South Jersey this summer!
It's Manahopkin, and it's happening TODAY - August 11th, in Manahawkin.
Manahopkin, Manahawkin, get it?
Well, besides a clever name, this beer festival has a little of everything - or a lot of everything!
Let's start out with over two dozen craft breweries - many from right in our area. There are familiar names like Tuckahoe Brewing Company, River Horse Brewing Company, and Tom Foolery Brewing Company, but some new players, including the recently opened Oyster Creek Brewing company.
Food looks promising too, with a dozen different entries lined up..
Final, music, lots of live music!
You can find out more about Manahopkin right here.
Manahawkin Lake Park is the place for the event - and, it's convenient from everywhere, only a couple miles off the Parkway. Gates open at 12 noon, and it's free to non-drinkers. Tickets are now available, and you can save money by purchasing tickets ahead of the event.
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