major change is coming to Sam's Club in PA and the rest of the U.S. but, I think you're going to love it.

I am a member of Sam's Club. I have been for many years. I love it there. There's a big selection, the prices are great and the bakery is fabulous.

Sam's Club checks customers' receipts when exiting the store

But, there's one thing that tends to irk me during my shopping experience...getting my receipt checked on my way out. Ugh. But, that's about to change. Keep reading.


If you're not a member and not familiar with this practice of checking receipts, let me explain.

You have to show your membership card to enter the store

When arriving at Sam's Club there's a crew member at the front door to greet you and check to see if you have a membership card. You just flash your card and go. There's no waiting to do this.

After shopping, you head to a register where a crew member checks you out or you can head to a self-scanner (what I normally do).


Once checked out you'd think you'd leave the store, but no, not at Sam's Club. You head to the exit where another crew member is waiting for to check your receipt and re-scan your items to see of the number of items in your cart matches the number of items you've paid for.

Checking receipts while exiting the store creates a back up of customers

As you can imagine this takes time and sometimes there's a backup because customers from all of the registers are now waiting in one line to get their receipt checked and exit.

I understand why they do prevent theft...but, it slows down my day.

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Sam's Club has created new AI technology for its stores

Good news. Sam's Club has announced that by the end of 2024, all stores will have new AI technology to make sure you paid for everything in your cart instead of checking your receipt.

Phew. This is great.

The new AI technology will capture an image of your cart

USA today is reporting the new technology was created by Sam's Club engineers and will use "a combination of computer vision and digital technology" to take a picture of customers' carts to ensure that everything in it has been paid for.

Staff members will no longer check receipts at the exit

This new technology will free up the crew members to work on other tasks instead of being glued to the exit, rechecking everyone's items.

To read more about the change, click here.

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