New Jersey’s Most Popular Halloween Costume Is Pretty Disappointing
New Jersey is a place known for its restaurants, its nightlife, and its music scene. We are a creative bunch who likes to do things a little differently.
When you are from New Jersey, you know that we do things our way. We don't do things here because people do it that way somewhere else. We make our own rules and pave our own way.
We're not worried about being "direct" when a situation calls for it. We don't hold back our feelings on the roadways. We say what we think as soon as we think it.
There is no one more original than a person from New Jersey. We, as New Jersey-born Frank Sinatra once sang, do it our way, and we're proud of it.
That's why when we heard about what was named New Jersey's most popular Halloween costume, we were more than a little disappointed. We were a lot disappointed.
We figured there's be a lot of Jon Bon Jovis or Bruce Springsteens, and maybe even a few toll collectors and tax collectors, too. Maybe we'd even get some Jack Nicholsons, but instead, BestLife says our favorite Halloween costume is one that literally has nothing to do with New Jersey.
Apparently, our favorite costume is Superman. Really? We could have lived with Pennywise or even a Power Ranger. But, Clark Kent?
What happened to all that creativity? Where is all that New Jersey attitude we are so famous for? Superman doesn't even have a mask. Come on, New Jersey, we can do better.
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