No, Facebook is Not Changing Their Privacy Policy
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Please stop copy and pasting all the stupid Facebook warnings that you see other people post.
"I just want to be sure," is not an acceptable answer.
The latest Copy and Paste Special warns us that "Facebook is changing their privacy policy." It urges you to re-post "a legal statement": "I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information."
Guess what, it's all worthless. Here's a great website to keep bookmarked. It's Snopes.com. Check it whenever you think "the sky is falling" and you need to warn your Facebook friends from sure doom. Click here to see what it says about the Facebook "Privacy Police Statement."
Here's the bottom line. When you signed up for Facebook, you already agreed to all their rules and regulations. If you don't like them, or think someone somewhere is stealing your identity, DELETE YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT! Problem solved!
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