How Many Peeps Can You Buy With Ten Thousand Dollars?
It's Good Friday which means Easter weekend is officially here.
Have you stocked up on everything you need for the kids' Easter baskets this year? All that candy can add up pretty quickly, can't it? Not to mention the fact that candy alone doesn't even cut it anymore.
In today's Easter baskets, it's not so much about the candy, really, but the toys and crafts usually included. Speaking from my own family's experience, I know that my nephew will, most likely, be disappointed if the Easter Bunny forgets to include some Hot Wheels cars in his Easter Basket. My niece used to be all about the LOL Surprise! dolls, but now, she's into everything Spongebob. No doubt, he'll make an appearance in her basket this year.

Still, while little trinkets and toys are likely to find their way into your kids' baskets this year, keep in mind that tradition must be upheld. Of course, I'm referring to the chocolate bunnies, Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs, and who could forget Peeps? Peeps are MUST in every Easter basket (even though I can't STAND the taste).
With the kickoff of our Cat Country Cash Cow only a few days away and Easter basically upon us, I got to thinking.... how much Easter candy could a Cash Cow winner buy with all that green? A little bunny 🐰 & our cow 🐮 ran the numbers and found out that Peeps run for about $2.19 at the store. How many of them could you buy with 💲1️⃣0️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣?
The answer:
Don't miss your chance to score big in the Cat Country Cash Cow starting Monday, 4/5! Your first chance is this Monday with Cat Country Mornings at 8 a.m! Get all the details HERE.
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