Recent Storms Show Off Cape May’s Ghost Tracks
In like a lion, out like a lamb. March is definitely living up to that saying. March here in New Jersey, has been a reminder that it's not spring just yet. Mother Nature is being plain cruel. Over the past few weeks we've had a few storms that have caused quite a bit of damage to the area. While many people lost power for a few days, the storms did bring something quite remarkable.
Did you know that there are train tracks buried under the sand on the beach in Cape May? I've heard of ghosts, ghost stories, and ghost towns, but now we have ghost tracks. The tracks were built around 1915, used by Bethlehem Steel during World War I. The tracks carried ammunition and canons for testing. The tracks were supposed to be temporary, but they are still there over 100 years later.
It has been around 5 years since the ghost tracks last made an appearance and they aren't expected to last long until they are buried under the sand again. Photographers and locals are taking advantage of the opportunity to take photos of the elusive Cape May ghost tracks. If you want to check them out before they disappear again, they are about a mile from Higbee Beach.