South Jersey Animal Shelters Report On Progress In This Week’s Betty White Challenge
Thanks so much, Betty White!
There are a select few people in this world that pass on and manage to do the world a heap of good even after their death. We're seeing the epitome of that this week with the latest social media challenge to take the internet by storm. Of course, I'm referring to the Betty White Challenge.
The world held its breath in anticipation of Betty White's 100th birthday that would have been on Monday, January 17th of this year. Sadly, the legendary "Golden Girls" actress passed away mere weeks before that day, drawing her last breath on New Year's Eve 2021.

Since her passing, the world has been extremely vocal about the impact Betty left on people and the world. Most notably, her animal activism. Betty White was a champion for all animals, not just cats and dogs. They had a special place in her heart. She acted on that love by volunteering and donating to various shelters and charities that champion animal welfare.
In an effort to honor the late actress, the #BettyWhiteChallenge took place this week. People were encouraged to show their love and appreciation for all the good work Betty did during her life by donating to either animal shelters or various animal charities in Betty White's name.
I'm happy to report that MANY local animal shelters and charities here in South Jersey have benefitted from your generosity. The Cape May County Animal Welfare Society, Cape May County Animal Shelter, Humane Society of Ocean City, Humane Society of Atlantic County, and the Atlantic County Animal Shelter have all seen an increase in donations this week.
A representative from the Atlantic County Animal Shelter, Atlantic County Public Information Officer Linda Gilmore said, "Betty White was a wonderful advocate for responsible pet ownership, just as our shelter is. We are pleased that residents want to help honor her memory in this way." The Atlantic County Animal Shelter not only saw monetary donations, but pet food donations, as well.
Monica Sopuch, the president of the Cape May County Animal Welfare Society has also confirmed that organization saw a great outpouring of generosity, as well. They received almost $2000 worth of monetary donations. The CMC Animal Welfare Society would like to remind you that there's always availability for you to volunteer, walk dogs, socialize the animals, and even help out with special events. When asked about the Betty White Challenge, Sopuch said, "We hope Heaven sends some more people like Betty White down here. The world needs more people like her. She continues to help animals after her death."
While this influx of generosity is wonderful, the work will never be done for the shelters here in South Jersey. For example, the folks from the Cape May County Animal Shelter reminded us that "kitten season" is fast approaching. Soon, shelters all over South Jersey will see an influx of litters. That's why, they say, it's so important to make sure your pets are spayed/neutered.
If you're one of the kind people that participated in the #BettyWhiteChallenge, the South Jersey shelters are SO appreciative. Probably, even more than you know.
To find out how to get involved, contact the shelters/organizations below:
Cape May County Animal Welfare Society
Phone: 609-465-3403
Contact: https://www.cmcanimalwelfaresociety.org/contact-us
Click HERE to donate
Cape May County Animal Shelter
Phone: 609-465-8923
Adoption Hours: Monday - Sunday, 1:30 - 4 p.m.
Humane Society of Ocean City
Volunteer Information: click HERE
Contact: click HERE
How to adopt with HSOC: click HERE
Atlantic County Animal Shelter
Volunteer application: click HERE
Full shelter information: click HERE
Humane Society of Atlantic County
Shelter: (609) 347-2487
General Shelter Inquiries: shelter@humanesocietyac.org
Volunteer Inquiries: volunteer@humanesocietyac.org
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