The new season of the docuseries Two in a Million on the TLC network centers around pairing two people with the same rare medical disorder. A South Jersey man with a skin disorder called lamellar icthyosis will be featured in an episode of the television show.

Kenny Krips, a 45-year old resident of Glendora in Camden County, tells Courier Post he hopes his episode will shed light on and educate viewers about this little know disease, saying, "I hope nothing but good comes from it. I hope people are inspired."

Kenny and Bobbi go shopping for interview-friendly clothing./TLC
Kenny and Bobbi go shopping for interview-friendly clothing./TLC

Lamellar ichthyosis reportedly causes skin to grow 10 times faster than normal, resulting in large, scaly patches all over the body. There is no cure, and roughly 200,000 babies are born with the hereditary disorder every year. It requires a strict regimen of scrubbing, bathing and moisturizing to protect the skin, according to Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types.

TLC reached out to an Arizona woman named "Bobbi", and Krips tells Courier Post he enjoyed their meeting. The foundation's CEO Jean Pickford says it's important for sufferers to find connection, inspiration, and support through each other.

SOURCE: Courier Post; TLC


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