101 Things a Chinese Spy Balloon Would See If It Flew Over South Jersey
Well, we've been Chinese-spy-balloon-free for several days now!
We got to thinking, what if a Chinese Spy Balloon flew over South Jersey, what would it see?
We'll start off the list with our own Chris Coleman:
"They'd see the traffic circle in front of the airport and say, "what the F is that?!"
Cliff Thomas says, "Mountain Lions." Add that to everything else people have been seeing: coyotes, bears, the Jersey Devil, and Bigfoot!
Maureen Baker says "A lot of middle fingers!" Hey, it is the New Jersey salute after all!
Tracy Jones says, "A lot of Eagles fans!" It's like a big sea of green out there!!
Michelle Russell says, "Potholes!" Come on Jersey! Fill `em up!
Speaking of filling up, the spy balloon will see a lot of abandoned cars at Wawa gas pumps, as the drivers all went inside to order, pee, and get some scratch-offs.
Linzi Sabatini says, "Farmland and ghettos, all 10 miles apart." Ouch!
Doug Kroger says, "A bunch of rednecks shooting at it" (Probably some non-rednecks, too!)
James Snyder says people fight over "Pork Roll" or "Taylor Ham." (There's always one guy, James....)
Tim Housand says lots of Dollar General stores! I agree - and, I'll throw in cell phone stores and mattress stores!
Rich Biddleman says, "Me drinkin' beers!"
David Barraclough says "82 Wawas." (Love it)
Kelly Barlow says, "A lot of weird roadside monuments!"
Hey, how about Lucy the Elephant?
Tami Harron says, "A lack of people working."
Mary Ann Hughes says, "Chris Christie on the beach." (Wow! That ship still hasn't sailed!)
Judith Patterson says, "Dead Whales!" Yep!
Andrew Warren says, "Joe Kelly sunbathing naked in his yard." (I'm not totally naked - I'm wearing gloves.)