17 What the Heck Crazy Rejected New Jersey Vanity Requests
You're driving down the Parkway and you see a car's license plate that seems to spell out something... What does it say?
"BIOCH" (a version of the word "bitch.") is what the plate says. Say what?

Actually if the plate reads that word, it's definitely not a car registered in New Jersey. We know this because that vanity plate was on a car in the stated until May of 2010 when the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission recalled the plate, after receiving a complaint. According to the MVC, the plate was "offensive to good taste of decency."
The Commission hasn't released a list of rejected plates in a while, but we can go back awhile and see some plates that didn't make the cut.
Here are some rejections from the past in New Jersey, according to governmentattic.org:
- T3CH. (We don't know either...)
- TIH2HO. (Imagine that in a rear-view mirror. Go ahead, we'll wait.)
- FANCULO (It's an Italian word that translates to a word that also starts with F.)
- 33MTA3. (Another rear-view mirror word)
- A5HOL (Whoops)
- BEEJAY (ahem)
- BLOW (drug reference)
- BOOB1ES (Hey, I don't see a problem...)
- CRAP (Self explanatory)
- C**T (Except without the asterisks.)
- FCK (You're mom would be so proud.)
- GOTMILF (Check!)
- HOR5HIT (Yeah...)
- MILF (Checkmate)
- NOSHT (Nice try!)
- POLICE (Yeah, that'll work.)
There are literally hundreds more - many I've never thought of - and they can be found here.
Meanwhile a new list of rejected plates have cropped up - this one from Florida! Here are some of the ideas rejected, according to UPI.com:
- 4EVER69
"A" for effort America! Keep trying!
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