Big Girl Scout Cookie Sale in EHT Saturday
QUICK! If you were stranded on an island with a lifetime supply of one flavor of Girl Scout Cookies, what flavor would be your number one choice?
For me, It would have to be the Peanut Butter Patties (also known as Tagalongs.) My only fear would be eating the lifetime supply in a week and a half.....

Anyway, it is Girl Scout Cookie time - and the various Girl Scout Troops in Egg Harbor Township are getting together for a big one day sale this Saturday at the Bargaintown Fire Hall, located at 6550 Mill Road in Egg Harbor Township.
(This is very dangerous for me! Friday is payday and I live practically right around the block from the fire hall!)
The Girl Scouts are setting up a Drive-Thru Booth, so you can safely purchase your cookies. They're accepting cash, credit cards, and even VENMO. (Hey, it's 2021, and the Girl Scouts are pretty hip!)
This is kind of cool too: The Girl Scouts will also be honoring first responders in the community. When you make your purchase, you can purchase an extra box to be collected and handed out to members of the local police and fire departments, as well as local EMTs. It's a great way to thank our heroes!
The sale is this Saturday from 10am - 1pm.
Also, if you have a girl thinking about scouting, this will be an opportunity to find out more about the Girl Scouts.
Who can't resist a Thin Mint, on of those lemon cookie or a Shortbread? I've never met anyone who turned down a Girl Scout cookie!
So, how many boxes will you be ordering?
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