Can You Legally Be Buried With Your Pet Here In New Jersey?
Nobody likes to think about this reality, but unfortunately, the circle of life does come all the way around for our fur babies sooner or later.
One way or another, they will depart this life and head over the rainbow bridge. More likely than not, your current pet will be passing over the rainbow bridge long before your time on this earth has come to an end (God-willing). There's no denying that you'll eventually have to put your beloved fur baby to rest.
What happens next?
Some people can't bare the thought of passing on without a piece of their once-beloved fur child. Did you know that's becoming more and more common to be buried with the cremated remains of your pets? It might sound like a bit much, but believe it nor not, Co-chair of the Pet Loss Professionals Alliance Coleen Ellis said she's put more than one pet urn into people's coffins before they're buried. It might seem weird now, but it sounds like it's becoming more of the norm these days.

Still, that doesn't answer the question of its legality. So, is it legal to be buried with your pet? Truthfully, that depends on which state you'd like to choose as your final resting place. According to MBlawfirm.com, there are, in fact, cemeteries that allow humans to be buried alongside their pets. Pennsylvania and Virginia both have places that can prepare this kind of arrangement.
What about here in New Jersey, though?
State law does allow for you to be buried with your pet, however there are a few catches. For one, you need to be cremated. That's not too much of a shock. Secondly, you'd need to be buried in a pet cemetery. So, if that's a postmortem plan that you can get on board with, I guess that's good news for you and your fur baby.
Read up on the laws about getting buried alongside your animals HERE.
Source: MBlawfirm.com
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