Does Central Jersey Exist? Answer May Soon Officially Be ‘YES’
With all the state's problems - and I think you'll agree there are many, I wonder why our state legislature is choosing now to tackle the question of, "Does South Jersey exist?"
If you ask ten people in New Jersey, "Does Central New Jersey exist?", you'll probably get ten very different answers!
There will be several "Yes", "No" and "Maybe" answers. People will discuss borders, lines, highways, sports teams, even foods.
But wait! Here comes your state government to possible, officially tell us that "YES! Central Jersey does exist!"
Introduced in the state legislature this week is a bill recognizing, identifying, and even promoting Central Jersey!
What the what?
According to the proposed bill, state's map makers (Who makes maps these days?) will be required to define Central Jersey as "minimally including Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, and Somerset counties. "
Minimally? So...it's not exact? Exactly!
In addition, the bill calls for, "The division will then incorporate the new “Central Jersey” region in all regional marketing activities, including in publications and on the VisitNJ.org website."
So....we're spending money, time and resources for this?
Well, it's a good thing New Jersey doesn't have any other problems, right?

" The division will eliminate any requirement from its grant applications and contracts that State tourism grant funds have to be targeted toward audiences located at a minimum distance from the awarded tourism site, and will include a flexible approach to promoting overnight stays. This will allow the State to attract visitors from other markets, such as New York City and Philadelphia."
Yes, they'll come in droves, I'm sure!
By the way, the piece of sh** - I mean legislation - is proposed by Assemblymen Roy Freiman, Sadaf Jaffer, and Anthony Verrelli. All hail from counties they propose to be a part of Central Jersey.
So, let the games begin!
If anyone needs me, I'll be busy teaching classes at the new Central Jersey State University! The Fighting Middlemen....
SOURCE: njleg.state
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