Leave that Abandoned New Jersey Baby Deer Alone
You hear something from over by the bushes in your backyard. It almost sounds like a baby crying. You investigate.
Lo and behold, you come upon a very tiny baby deer - all alone and missing its mom.
What do you do? Scoop it up and hold it? Call animal welfare?
The answer here is "no." You should do nothing.
Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash
Chances are Mom will come back and get it. What happened here is that the mother deer left her fawn in your yard, because she sensed it was a safe place.

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Officials at New Jersey Fish and Wildlife say this: "Every year, especially around this time, the lives of many young animals are disrupted. Well-intentioned people may attempt to 'save' these animals while most often, the mother is nearby."
Leave it alone.
"Fawns that are not strong enough on their legs are left alone while the adult deer spend much of the day feeding and exploring. The mother comes back several times each day to nurse the fawn. If you've already picked the fawn up and brought it home, put it back. Even one or two days after removal from the wild, fawns can reunite with their mothers by returning them to where they were found. Usually, young fawns are quite safe because their color pattern and lack of scent help them to remain hidden until their mother's return."
It may very tempting to try to help, but it's not necessary. Let nature do its thing.
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