Let’s Be Honest, Jim Carrey’s Grinch is Better Than the Original
There have been many discussions about this opinion I have. Let's be honest here, they have been full on arguments. I truly and firmly believe that Ron Howard's version of How The Grinch Stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey is better than the original 1966 version with Boris Karloff. Break out the pitch forks because I know most of you are screaming at your computer right now.
I am blaming the love people have for the original movie on simple word. Nostalgia. Yes my friends, nostalgia has been tricking people into liking things that they actually don't like. Just because something brings back a happy memory doesn't mean that something new isn't better. I'm going to come right out and say it, the original movie is a glorified music video.
Many people will dispute my argument by using nostalgia and the year the movie was made as their reasoning. I've been told many times that the movie was made in the 1960s as a TV movie so of course it isn't going to be as theatrical as the 2000 version. Fine, I get that. However, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer came out in 1964 and Frost the Snowman came out in 1969, both movies being TV movies. Both of those movies are much more enjoyable and contain more substance than the 1966 version of How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
The amount of effort that went into the costuming alone in the Ron Howard version needs a round of applause. According to Cosmopolitan, "The first round of make up for The Grinch took eight and a half hours, and on average three hours each day after that. Jim Carrey had to have it done 100 times over the course of filming." The prosthetics and contact lenses Carrey had to wear were so painful that, "[He] was trained on how to cope with it by a man who teaches CIA operatives how to endure torture."
The 2000 version was directed by none other than Opie himself, Ron Howard. That in itself is a major bonus for my argument.
Where the original lacked substance, the 2000 version more than made up for it. Let's face it just because the Boris Karloff TV movie is nostalgic, doesn't mean it's a good movie by any means.
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