NY Approves Late Term Abortions While NJ Protects Pregnant Cows
In New York, a bill was passed to allow late term abortions (until birth). Meanwhile, in New Jersey, a law has been proposed to protect pregnant cows from being slaughtered.
NOTE: We live in a country where differences in opinion are OK, even celebrated. I'm trying to write this article without interjecting my opinion - yet, I'm not sure that is possible.
In New York a new bill has passed, allowing for late-term abortions. Newsday.com explains the law this way:
A primary change in the 2019 law permits for a late-term abortion to preserve the health of the mother. Supporters say this conforms with Roe v. Wade; opponents say it wrongly expands access to late-term abortions.
The new law also shifts the abortion law from the state’s penal code to its health code — thereby removing doctors and others from the threat of prosecution, advocates say.
Further, the new law would permit physician assistants, nurse practitioners and midwives to provide nonsurgical abortion care.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo directed that the lights of One World Center be lit pink to celebrate the passing of the law.
Meanwhile, here in New Jersey, there's a move afoot to provide the ultimate protection for pregnant mothers - of the cow variety.
New Jersey 101.5, a radio station owned by the same company that owns this radio station, explains a proposed law in New Jersey:
The pregnant cow that narrowly escaped slaughter last month by kicking open a door, jumping off a two-level cattle trailer on Route 80 in Paterson, then giving birth days later at a sanctuary, is getting attention from lawmakers.
Brianna's Law has been introduced by Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly, D-Passaic. It would make transporting pregnant livestock for slaughter and killing pregnant livestock fourth-degree crimes.
Again, I'm trying not to give my opinion here, just laying out what is happening. We do, thought, welcome your comments!
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