If you are trying to reduce sugar and maintain a healthy weight, there are so many delicious choices. Here are some healthier desserts that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
To keep the peace at your next family gathering, consider having a positive attitude, avoid upsetting topics, have realistic expectations. Here is more on having a conflict-free family gathering.
Cooking, shopping, decorating, baking, get togethers. The holidays can be fun, but they can also be stressful. We have 10 easy ways to keep the happy in the holidays.
Summertime means trips to the beach, and trips to the beach mean potential saltwater damage to the skin and the hair.
As we continue with summer it is important we know how to properly take care of our skin and hair so we can have as many beach days as we want.
This blog aims to explain some methods for keeping hair and skin protected against saltwater dehydration.
There are so many myths surrounding lighting. If you are ever caught in a thunderstorm, knowing the facts can save your life. The National Weather Service separates fact from fiction.
Each year, thousands of people, mostly kids, go to the emergency room from firework-related causes around the 4th of July. Here are some fireworks tips for a fun and safe holiday.
Working out and eating healthy might be easier than you think and to prove this I have broken down the best things you can do to keep up with your fitness goals while on vacation.
It's Every Kid Healthy Week! Let's teach our kids healthy habits and make our schools healthier. Check out ideas for daily activities and get tools for parents and teachers.
One of the worst things you can do when you’re tossing and turning and can’t seem to rest is to force yourself to sleep. Here are some tips that can help.
Manufacturers often use tactics such as packages, photos, and wording to make us think their products are healthier than they are. Watch out for these tricks and read the label carefully.
No Shave November is around the corner and people nationwide are getting ready to put down their razors to raise cancer awareness, and here is where you can learn how to help!