Living Well with Robin Stoloff

Healthy Summer Desserts
Healthy Summer Desserts
Healthy Summer Desserts
If you are trying to reduce sugar and maintain a healthy weight, there are so many delicious choices. Here are some healthier desserts that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
What's the Deal With Oats?
What's the Deal With Oats?
What's the Deal With Oats?
Considered by many to be a superfood, oats provide a variety of nutritional benefits. Packed with protein, fiber, and carbs, they are a fantastic way to start the day. Here is why you should add more oats ot your diet.
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Swimming in Salt Water
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Swimming in Salt Water
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Swimming in Salt Water
Summertime means trips to the beach, and trips to the beach mean potential saltwater damage to the skin and the hair. As we continue with summer it is important we know how to properly take care of our skin and hair so we can have as many beach days as we want. This blog aims to explain some methods for keeping hair and skin protected against saltwater dehydration.
Home Fireworks Safety
Home Fireworks Safety
Home Fireworks Safety
Each year, thousands of people, mostly kids, go to the emergency room from firework-related causes around the 4th of July. Here are some fireworks tips for a fun and safe holiday.
Every Kid Healthy Week
Every Kid Healthy Week
Every Kid Healthy Week
It's Every Kid Healthy Week! Let's teach our kids healthy habits and make our schools healthier. Check out ideas for daily activities and get tools for parents and teachers.

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