4 Secret Tips to Not Get Your Car Stolen or Burglarized in Mays Landing NJ
The bad guys are apparently at it again.
The weather has warmed up and the criminals are hitting neighborhoods to see what treasures they can locate in local citizen's driveways.

The Hamilton Township (Mays Landing) Police Department has issued an advisory, warning residents that there has been an increase of vehicle thefts and burglaries.
They've released four tips to "keep your vehicles and valuables safe and help reduce the chance of becoming the victim of a motor vehicle theft or burglary."
Honestly, these 4 tips are really nothing more than COMMON SENSE.
Can you hear me way in the back?
Common sense. Really.
Let's go:
Um, really? You leave your keys IN YOUR VEHICLE? Do you leave your house keys in the front door? Come on, man!
In the "old days" it actual took time to unlock your vehicle, because you had to stick the key in the lock, turn the key, and open the lock. Honestly, are there even door keys anymore. Just click your beeper-thingy to lock or unlock. How hard is that? Pretend it's a video game!
3) Park in well-lit areas if possible.
Well, yeah. Don't have a well-lit area? Go buy a couple solar lights. They're like 15 or 20 bucks.
4) Do not leave valuables in plain view. Place them in your trunk or bring them indoors.
My laptop? Oh, yeah, it's right on the front seat, under my car keys.....
These really are common sense things, right?
Hey, I do them, if you do them, maybe my car insurance premiums will go down. (We live in New Jersey, and the cost of car insurance, like most everything else, is just plain nuts.)
Carry on, and lock your doors, please.
SOURCE: Township of Hamilton Police Department
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