Guide for Driving on Tilton Road in Northfield and EHT
One of the "business-friendly" roads in Atlantic County is Tilton Road in Northfield and Egg Harbor Township.
A number of retail businesses, professional offices, banks, and restaurants are located on a stretch of Tilton Road from the Black Horse Pike in Egg Harbor Township and Shore Road in Northfield.
For today's purposes, we'll concentrate on just that section of Tilton Road. Coincidentally, our company's offices are located on Tilton - and, I've been working in the same building for 26 years! I think that makes me an experience on driving on Tilton Road, since I've done it an estimate of about 9,000 times.
Rules for driving on Tilton Road
I've put together these driving rules, based solely on my own experiences.
(These rules might actually be the opposite of what you should do, but they are what many people are doing as they drive this road.)
1. When pulling out of a business on Tilton Road, make sure to stick the nose of your vehicle directly into the roadway. This way, traffic has two choices - slam on their brakes and let you out, or they can hit you.
2. Use the middle turning lane any way you see fit. Use it to pass other cars, use it to turn into or out of businesses. Use the middle lane to literally stop your car and talk on your cell phone!
3. If you're turning from Tilton Road into a business, do not use your turn signal. Just jam on your brakes at the last second, pause, then turn.
4. If you do not plan on turning anywhere on Tilton Road, please keep your turn blinker ON - this keeps everyone guessing!

5. When you need to change lanes, signal only if you feel like it. Tilton is a no-fault road. No one is going to tell you what to do!
6. U-Turns are permitted at any time and for any reason.
7. If an emergency vehicle approaches you from behind, with lights flashing and sirens blaring, make no attempt to move over. They wouldn't be in such a hurry if they only left earlier, right?
8. If you stop for food somewhere along Tilton Road, make sure to eat that food in your car once you're back on the roadway. Drop a French fry? Brake and pick that baby up!
Thanks for reading and drive carefully!
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