Get Sandy When You Build The Most EPIC Sandcastle In Brigantine, NJ
Do you have a favorite beach day activity?
Everybody has a list of things they want to accomplish during their time spent with their toes in the sand. That accomplishment might be getting a good suntan and a solid nap in for the majority of adults. Kids, however, have their whole beach day planned out even before setting foot there.
When you're a kid, there are A LOT of activities you have to do when you're at the beach, and oh so little time to do it. You have to get onto the beach, go test out the water, go swimming, then go grab your boogie board, then come in and play with the sand toys. Usually, the main activity kids want to check off their beach day to-do list is building a sandcastle.

In Brigantine, you don't have to settle for an ordinary sandcastle that you create with a toy shovel and a plastic bucket. Have you ever heard of KampKastle? If you're staying in Brigantine for your family vacation, you can reach out to KampKastle and they'll come with everything you need and show you step-by-step how to craft the very best sandcastle you and your family will make in your entire life.
When I say these things are masterpieces, that is NOT an exaggeration. These creations give the Hogwarts castle from Harry Potter a run for its money. You don't even have to choose to build a castle. One group even crafted what looks like a shipwreck. They even found various pieces of brush and debris to add to the allure.
These sandcastles are INSANE. Sandcastle building professionals is what Kampkastle represents. Are sandcastle professionals a thing? Sure looks like it. Check it out below:
Source: Facebook
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