Here’s How to See and Meet Jason Aldean Saturday Night
Cat Country 107.3 has a very special opportunity - the chance for you and your guest to see and meet Jason Aldean at Atlantic City's Boardwalk Hall Saturday night!
Jason Aldean is bringing his "We Were Here Tour" to Atlantic City - and, the show is sold out.
Friday Morning, we will be auctioning off 2 tickets to the concert, along with 2 Meet and Greet passes to meet Jason Aldean before the concert. Money raised will go to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Bids will be taken between 6am and 9:45am. If you'd like to make a bid, call 609-383-1073. (Please let the phone ring - we will eventually answer it.) The person who bids the most by 9:45am will be declared the winner.
Here's what you need to know:
1. The person who makes the winning bid, must arrange to make payment by 12 noon Friday. If payment is not made, we will offer the package to the next highest bidder.
2. Payment can be made with cash, money order, check made out to "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital", or a major credit card.
3. All bids must top the previous bid by at least $50.
4. We will make arrangement with the "winner" to meet at a specific location at Boardwalk Hall Saturday evening to exchange the 2 tickets and 2 Meet and Greet passes. The winner should be prepared to be at Boardwalk Hall by 6pm Saturday night.
5. We (Cat Country 107.3 and Townsquare Media) have no control over the Meet and Greet timing and process, and we cannot be held liable if it is cancelled by Jason Aldean or his staff. The Meet and Greet will be extremely brief and is subject to rules set forth by Jason Aldean's management.
6. You must be at least 21 years of age to place a bid.
7. Listen to Cat Country 107.3 as we will update the prevailing highest bid throughout the bidding time.
8. Once the bids are set to close at 9:45am, we will answer any remaining phones that happen to be ringing. Anyone left still bidding will be given the opportunity to bid back and forth in a timely manner until all bids have been exhausted.
Please remember, the high bid will be a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
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