Hilarious Atlantic County Town Definitions on Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary definitions of Atlantic County towns are as raw as you can imagine.
If you aren't familiar with the Urban Dictionary, it should not be confused with more popular dictionaries like the version published for years by the Merrian-Webster people.
It's different.

The Urban Dictionary is crowd-sourced, so almost anyone can provide a definition. It's often associated with slang word and phrases, but we found our they tackle city and town names - and some might right on point, and some are funny as heck!
Now, the language in the Urban Dictionary is definitely not safe for work, so we can't include everything in the definitions below.
Here we go! (By the way, spelling and punctuation don't seem to matter.)
Atlantic City
Think of East Coast Las Vegas, but as glam and glitz, but still have casinos, hotels, prizefights, and the oh so sexy miss americapageant. if u live west of the mississipi u go to vegas, if u live on the east you go to atlantic city.
a small island directly north of Atlantic City, NJ (you can see it when you stand on the beach), the kids go to ACHS and it is the most poppin town of the whole jersey shore. every teenager in the entire town frequents "the ave" (w brigantine avenue between 8th st s where wawa is and 14th st by ritas) every night between the hours of 8 and 11 pm. everyone pretends to go home at 11 for curfew but really people just smoke pot and drink all night on the beach. one of the few shore towns where shoobies and locals actually get along. you dont come to brigantine because you saw it on the internet as a great place, you come to brigantine because your family has a story behind it.People who live in the surrounding area (Atlantic City, Ventnor, Margate, etc) call Brigantine Narnia because of how desolate and out of the way it is. The residents of Brigantine are strangely odd, similar to the talking animals and mythical creatures in C.S Lewis's Chronicals of Narnia, thus making Brigantine residents known as Narnians.
Only the biggest lousiest place in the middle of nowhere. Sure there are some "NORMAL" people...., but all the others are like fricken chickens running around without a head. Only come here if you feel like chillen with the old saggy bags or learning how to knit sweaters. Fun place-I THINK NOT!
A town in located in Atlantic County in southern New Jersey. It is the largest municipality in the State of New Jersey by total area. Galloway is home to Stockton College and during the school year, the students go into town and create mayhem at the bars in town. Absegami is the high school in town and is nothing but a ........ filled with incompetant losers. Galloway is also home to some of the worst girls known who chase after every guy they can get just so they can look good .....
A rich town just minutes away from the beach. Here you will see a bike gang with a bunch of... kids that do wheelies and get in the way of traffic. Here soccer is the man sport and is what the town revolves around. In this town there is also....kids that play lacrosse and think they are the .... If you are going to move here I would suggest not doing so.
A small rich town where kids think that they are gangsters and ... and in the summer the shoobs come down and it is ran by a tall rich kid that lives in the suburbs outside of philly and the rest of the kids well they are all basically the same way and think that they can beat everyone up when they won't hurt a fly.
A town in New Jersey where you can go to get your a** kicked if you think your tough. you can find no better weed then from here. you cant beat us so better just join us.
SOURCE: Urban Dictionary
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