New Jersey Beach Named The Absolute Best On The East Coast
New Jersey prides itself on great beaches, so this should make us happy. A well-known beach website has named one New Jersey beach the best beach on the entire East Coast.
Of course, we are from the Garden State, so there must be something we can find wrong with this news, right?
It turns out that the greedy New Jersey lovers among us will make note of the fact that "only" one New Jersey beach made the top 15, but let's rejoice in the fact that the one beach that did top the list.
And if you're thinking it must be Cape May because it's always Cape May, think again. Our favorite Victorian town didn't make this list.
That leaves the door open for great beaches like Point Pleasant Beach, Sandy Hook, Belmar, Avalon, and Atlantic City, but none of those great places made the list either.
The beach that Beachfix chose as the best beach on the East Coast is Ocean City, and that is a well-deserved honor.
Of course, there could be an argument made for a dozen other Jersey Shore beaches, but this is not a time for argument. It's a time for celebration. New Jersey topped a list, and it's a list you actually want to be on the top of.
A huge congratulations to Ocean City for finding itself at the top spot on an exclusive list that includes the likes of Cape Cod, Virginia Beach, and Hilton Head. Our own Ocean City topped them all!
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