Seriously New Jersey, We Are So Much Better Than This
I'm pretty sure we're better than this here in the Garden State, but either way, this is one of my absolute biggest pet peeves.

It usually takes a lot to annoy and this is one of those things that just for whatever reason pushes me over the edge.
It's such a simple thing to not do, that it always surprises me when I see it, and I saw a ton of it last night.
Last night on the way home I had to swing into the Shop Rite off 37 to pick up some stuff for dinner.
Nothing fancy; ground beef, lettuce, taco seasoning, and tortilla wraps.
It was taco night.
Now, the shopping center that Shop Rite is in is usually hectic and last night was no exception.
However, the hectic parking lot wasn't what really made me mad last night.
What drove me crazy was that every time I thought I saw a spot, it was taken up.
Not by a car though.
Row after row had spaces taken up by something that shouldn't have been there.
Shopping Carts.
Now, I know that it's not illegal to not return your shopping cart to the corral, and yes there is an employee whose job it is to collect the carts
However, taking the five seconds it takes to return your cart to the corral is what a good society does.
The shopping cart litmus test puts it perfectly;
Ths shopping cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.
There were carts scattered all throughout the parking lot, even near the front of the store.
My thought immediately goes to the elderly person who needs to park closer to the store and can't now, because someone didn't just return their shopping cart.
Now that person has to park a lot further away and that could be challenging for them.
I love living in New Jersey, it's a great place to work, play and call home, and although it's just shopping carts, I know we can do better!
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