New Jersey’s Mermaid Parade Scheduled for July
The 6th annual Asbury Park Promenade of Mermaids is back this summer to fulfill all of your merman and mermaid dreams. Each year, Asbury Park is flooded with some DIY mermaids and mermen showing off their scales and competing to be the best merpeople of the sea. As someone who has participated in this a few years ago, I can tell you that it is such a blast. (Even though it took over 8 hours to make my top.)
The event is filled with a contest, entertainment, and over course a whole parade of merpeople. This year the popular event will held on Saturday, July 11th. So far the details on the day's schedule and events are TBD.
From what we have been told so far by the organization, the event will occur right on the boardwalk this year, with last year it being in Bradley Park. Registration for the contest will run from noon until 2:00 PM, the promenade will begin at 2:00 PM. Belly dancers will be performing at the event, with the time being TBD. Other details will be announced as the event gets closer.
Some mermaids go all out creating intricate costumes that put Ariel to shame. However, all mermaids, DIY or store-bought are welcomed to enjoy a fun day by the beach.
Keep updated with all of the details as they are announced on their Facebook page.

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