Open Letter to Those Who Keep Christmas Lights on Until February
Every year there are a few houses in my town that I can always count on. Not only are there homes that are decorated almost immediately after Halloween, but these same homes are still lit up well into February. To you I say a simple thank you. Some may think that you have a few light bulbs loose. See what I did there? I wholeheartedly disagree. Your light shines brighter than the rest. A light in the dark, the darkness being winter.

Let's be frank, winter is tough. During, what seems like the longest season, it stays darker later and gets darker earlier. It's cold, the air hurts your face. What is the one thing that makes this terrible season bearable? The holiday season is a much needed reprieve from the cold wasteland. However, as if to be a cruel joke, it occurs right at the beginning of winter. That would be like if your lunch break was in the first hour of your work day.
Why is it so bad to extend the most wonderful time of the year well into the worst time of the year? If you're a fan of winter, I'm sorry I can't trust you. Who likes being cold?
To those who have made the bold decision to keep the celebration going through January and into February, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Every time I drive past your humble abode I smile. How can you not smile? You are the unsung heroes of the holiday season. You keep the magic alive well after everyone has packed up and moved on.
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