Women FINALLY Allowed To Play At South Jersey Golf Course
You may find that headline suspicious for 2023, but rest assured, it's 100% accurate.
Yes. Believe it or not, there was a golf course in the southwestern part of New Jersey that, until quite recently, did not allow women to play any holes. Shocking, right? What is this, the times of the suffragette movement? Obviously not, so it's wild that this would even be an issue that had to be dealt with in this day and age. However, it did, and here we are.
Apparently, Pine Valley Golf Course in Camden County was one of the most exclusive clubs in the country. So much so that women weren't allowed on the course.That was until the state started digging and discovered that the club wasn't even sharing public job postings. Clearly, the issue went deeper than just forbidding women to join.
Now, let's clarify that women could, in fact, play the holes on Sundays. Outside of that window, though, the club was exclusively for men only. Pine Valley opened up memberships to women back in 2021. Apparently, they only did so after they were made aware of the state's investigation.
The club has officially come to a settlement agreement with the state. They will be paying $200,000, some of that going to scholarships for women in the golfing community. They will also do away with their old ways of hiring employees based on "word-of-mouth."
There are homes currently on land owned by the club. How that's handled has been forced to change, also. Previously, a woman could not own a home on that land unless there was a man involved. That practice will be abolished, too.
To read more about Pine Valley Golf Club's settlement with the state of New Jersey, click HERE.
Source: NJ.com