Vineland Police Investigate Liquor Store TheftVineland Police Investigate Liquor Store TheftPolice in Vineland are looking for the public's help in identifying two persons in regard to a theft at a local liquor store.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Vineland, Mays Landing Police Look to Identify Possible SuspectsVineland, Mays Landing Police Look to Identify Possible SuspectsPolice in Vineland and Hamilton Township are asking for the public's help in identifying a couple of people caught on surveillance camera.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Dirt Bike Riders Rip Up Galloway Nature Preserve, Cops Not HappyDirt Bike Riders Rip Up Galloway Nature Preserve, Cops Not HappyGalloway Township Police are unhappy with some dirt bike riders who recently damaged the Galloway Nature Preserve.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Caught on Camera: Car Thieves in Longport, New JerseyCaught on Camera: Car Thieves in Longport, New JerseyCar burglary in LongportJoe KellyJoe Kelly
Cumberland County Pro Tip: Always Look Right Into the CameraCumberland County Pro Tip: Always Look Right Into the CameraCumberland County suspects round upJoe KellyJoe Kelly
Millville Police Looking For Lady in Magenta HoodieMillville Police Looking For Lady in Magenta HoodieWe actually have two Cumberland County police departments looking for suspects. Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Vineland Police Looking to Identify Women at Dick’sVineland Police Looking to Identify Women at Dick’sPolice in Vineland have a mystery on their hands.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Police Pursuing Suspect in Weymouth, New Jersey BurglariesPolice Pursuing Suspect in Weymouth, New Jersey BurglariesPolice have released a couple of surveillance camera photos of a possible suspect in the crimes.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Millville Police Look to Identify Shoplifting SuspectsMillville Police Look to Identify Shoplifting SuspectsMillville Police looking to identify suspectsJoe KellyJoe Kelly
Vineland and Millville Police Looking for These SuspectsVineland and Millville Police Looking for These SuspectsPolice in both Vineland and Millville are asking for the public's help in identifying people captured on surveillance.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Millville Police Looking for Hoodie-Wearing Shoplifting SuspectMillville Police Looking for Hoodie-Wearing Shoplifting SuspectMillville Police look to identify a man caught on cameraJoe KellyJoe Kelly
Bandits Make Off with $1 Million in Stolen Jewelry from Ocean County, NJ MallBandits Make Off with $1 Million in Stolen Jewelry from Ocean County, NJ MallThieves got really creative recently when stealing $1 million in jewelry from a store inside the Ocean County Mall in Toms River, New Jersey.Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca