Temperatures Approaching 100 Degrees By Thursday
We're quickly going to jump into summer starting tomorrow and by Thursday we could be close to 100 degrees here in South Jersey. Know these tips to beat the heat!
Cat Country Meteorologist Alan Kasper says we should hit the mid 90s tomorrow -- with (hopefully) an afternoon sea breeze for the Kenny Chesney concert on the beach in Wildwood -- and then inland areas could be close to 100 degrees by Thursday. Keep cool with these hot weather tips.
- Drink more non-alcoholic, low-in-sugar fluids, regardless of what you are doing. Don't wait until you are thirsty. Consult your doctor if you are limited on the fluids you drink everyday.
- Got air conditioning? Use it! If you don't, visit a shopping mall or library to cool off. Call your local health department to see if there are any heat-relief shelters in your area.
- Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. A Cat Country t-shirt happens to be all three of those things.
- Take care of your pets! If you can't bring them into a cool area, make sure they have shade and plenty of fresh water.
- Check on the elderly often.
- If you are stuck outside working, try to do most of your activities early or late in the day.
- Wear sunscreen and a hat.
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