Well, crap — I found the most random thing along the side of a road in New Jersey
For whatever reason, I seem to be a magnet for all things bizarre in this state.
Back in 2020, I found a curious little note attached to a signpost along a Garden State Parkway exit ramp.
A year later, I stumbled upon a weird, scribbled cardboard sign stuck under a shopping cart.
Then, earlier this year, I went out of my way to see what I could find stashed in a mall parking lot (what I uncovered did not disappoint).
Naturally, with this attraction to things that mystify many, what I found the other day while driving home actually made me stop, turn around, and look at it again.
With about 6.5 million drivers in this state and each Jersey driver behind the wheel for an average of 33 minutes a day, chances are, something is going to fall out of someone's car or truck.
And I'm the lucky person who found this:
It's one of those raised toilet seat things used by people who need help in the bathroom.
There it was, just sitting there all alone, waiting for the next rear end that would never arrive.
I'm not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, butt (get it?) it seems to me that if you need this and you are transporting it and, number one, when you get to where you are going and it's not there, you'd, number two, probably go back and look for it.
Funny thought: as I was writing this, I remembered seeing about two dozen rolls of toilet paper blowing across the Garden State Parkway at about exit 50 last weekend.
Anyway, those toilet seats aren't cheap. Looks like they sell for at least $100 online.
Regardless, I will add this to my collection of things that I have stumbled upon while driving in the great Garden State.
You never disappoint, New Jersey.
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