From giant muffler men to larger-than-life elephants, we have some rather unique landmarks here in South Jersey.

Sure, our area is known for glitzy casinos, over a million acres of pine trees, and massive shopping centers next to massive shopping centers, but there's no shortage of things you won't find anywhere else on earth.

If you've been around here for some time, maybe you remember the giant white horse that used to stand over a shopping center in Lawnside, Camden County.

Former white horse over a shopping center in Lawnside NJ - Photo: Google Maps
Former white horse over a shopping center in Lawnside NJ - Photo: Google Maps

Sadly, that horse, which used to advertise the location of a long-demolished drive-in movie theater, was taken down a number of years ago.

Or maybe you remember the smaller white horse along the White Horse Pike outside of Hammonton...

White horse outside of Hammonton NJ - Photo: Google Maps
White horse outside of Hammonton NJ - Photo: Google Maps

Just as sad, I believe vandals damaged that statue several months ago.

Horses aside, see if you know where these 14 bizarre and unique South Jersey landmarks are...

14 Bizarre and Unique Landmarks that Define South Jersey

Chances are, you pass some of these landmarks so often that they no longer stand out as being a little bizarre, but for those not from the area, they might seem a little odd.

These 20 Breathtaking Historic Buildings in South Jersey Must Never Be Demolished

This is us: from theaters to taverns, retreats to historical landmarks, these twenty buildings in South Jersey must be preserved for the rest of time.

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