The holiday season is one of the hardest times of the year. Take a look on social media and you'll see countless pregnancy announcements, engagements, graduations, the list goes on and on.

Holiday depression is SO REAL. Let me say that again. Holiday depression is a REAL problem for so many people. The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, love, thanksgiving, inclusion, and togetherness, but sometimes they can make you feel worlds apart from everyone else. published a story submitted by Savannah Locke that reminds those dealing with feelings of inadequacy to hold on, not to give up, and to remember that their time is coming.

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I heard it takes eighteen months for certain whales to be born, but butterflies can hatch in three weeks. ⠀ I graduated college in four years. My friend dropped out. Another friend took SO many college-level classes in high school, she graduated and had a job before she could celebrate with wine. ⠀ When JK Rowling was 29, she was living on food stamps, manually typing every single book manuscript to pitch to publishers because she couldn’t afford to photocopy. That manuscript was rejected dozens of times. ⠀ It takes Mars 687 days to orbit the sun. Jupiter? 12 years. ⠀ We didn’t hear much about Jesus until he turned 30. Jehoash was 7 years old when he was crowned King of Israel. Sarah was 90 years old when she had her first son, Isaac. ⠀ I got married when I was 24. Todd was 29. ⠀ Anne Frank had 15 years on this earth. Leonardo Da Vinci was 51 when he painted the Mona Lisa. ⠀ So, dear friend, take a deep breath, knowing you’re not a minute behind schedule. ⠀ You’ve come so far, and have quite an adventure ahead. ⠀ Take a deep breath and release your heart’s tug towards envy. Your blueprint is not hers to follow. Your story is a fresh expression of the Divine. ⠀ Take a deep breath and step forward. ⠀ Grace and glory will meet you at every turn.

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Trying not to compare your life situation to others around you is much easier said than done during the holidays. Find comfort in your reality. If you're struggling, you will be better for it. Also, everything is temporary: pain, suffering, hardship, even success... it's all temporary. Sure, the consequences might linger a bit longer than you'd like them to, but even if it's days, months, a few years of unfortunate circumstances or hard work, your time is STILL coming. Hang in there.

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