Atlantic City Named One of the Unfriendliest Cities in the Nation
The phrase, "getting kicked while you're down" comes to mind following a new survey that lists the unfriendliest cities in the nation. Atlantic City is in the top five.
As Atlantic City deals with the threat of more casinos closing and thousands that could possibly be out of work over the next few weeks comes word that we're not very friendly. Conde Nast is out with their rankings of the unfriendliest cities in the nation and our little seaside resort is #4 on the list.
Newark, NJ, stayed at number one, followed by Oakland, CA; Hartford, CT; Atlantic City is in fourth place, followed by New Haven, CT; Detroit, and Los Angeles. Conde Nast says,
Readers acknowledge that it’s been a rough road for this seaside spot: “It’s struggling with competition from Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland casinos, and the staff are becoming increasingly vocal about cutbacks,” says one respondent. Some don’t think that the “the shopping, nightlife, or dining is anything spectacular,” but others argue there’s plenty to appreciate aside from gambling—if you know where to look.
Is Atlantic City really more unfriendly than Detroit of all places? Are we really not that friendly around here? Let us know what you think in the comments section below...