One of the dead giveaways that summer has officially arrived in the Garden State is the days mosquitoes start buzzing around everywhere. It's the worst, actually. One day, you're enjoying a nice cold beverage on your back patio with your loved ones. The next, your yard is lit up like a summer outdoor concert space with all the tiki torches and citronella candles you can get your hands on in an effort to repel the blood-sucking spawns of Satan that are the summertime mosquitoes.

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Honestly, they're a nightmare. Not only do you look like an idiot trying to swipe them away, but once you've been bit up, you're reminded of the experience for at least a week while the bite heals. That's if you're lucky and don't contract anything worse from them other than an itchy bite.

Believe it or not, you could be making the mosquito situation in your yard worse than it has to be. Did you know mosquitoes are attracted to certain colors?


Colors to wear to repel mosquitoes

If you have a lot of orange, red, and black in your closet, you're not doing yourself ANY favors. Easier said than done, I know. So many people look great in black and red, myself included. I have SO much black in my closet that my mom yells at me to buy some colorful outfits once in a while. I can't help it, though. Black looks great on everybody!

To try and repel them from yourself, you should be wearing the following four colors:


Fun fact of the day: White and lighter colors blend in better with the sky or other light surroundings, making you less visible to mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes use vision to locate hosts, and they are typically attracted to dark colors because they stand out against natural backgrounds. So, the lighter the purple you wear, the more protected you'll be.


Apparently, mosquitoes just aren't huge fans of blue. They'll swarm you if you're wearing Cyan, though.


Wearing lighter colors like green may theoretically make you slightly less attractive to mosquitoes due to reduced visibility.

If you really want them to stay away from you this summer, use insect repellent, cover up as best you can, and try to eliminate as much standing water as possible from your yard.

They may be annoying, but don't mosquitoes ruin your summer fun. You can always plant these bad boys for another layer of protection:

10 Plants To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Here are some things you might want to plant in your garden this summer.

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

The Colors and Scents Mosquitos Love and Hate

Avoid being eaten alive by mosquitos this summer by giving yourself a fighting chance with these DIY repellents you can use today. Please scroll through the gallery below to find out what colors attract these little blood-suckers, which colors they ignore, and what kinds of scents will keep them away all day.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

Tips for Lowering Your Risk of Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are the deadliest creature in the world. The Ada County Mosquito Abatement District offers these tips to protect yourself.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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