Controversial Stories From Joe Kelly That Sparked the Most Feedback This Year
Apparently, I like to stir things up!
I write dozens of stories for our websites each and every month - and some of them have been, well, flagged. Or something.

So, I've looked back and come up with the most controversial articles I've published this year. These are pieces that seem to have gotten the most reaction from people.
For better or worse, here we go!
1. "The Great Mays Landing Train Crash." This occurred a long time ago and resulted in dozens of lives being lost. I thought it was just history, but some responded with "fake news." Honestly, I don't know if they were joking or what.
I do find the story fascinating just because it was a catastrophe of pretty big proportions, and you just don't hear much about it.
2. "That Jerk's Van." I called a guy a Jerk because he has vile, disgusting bumper stickers on his vehicle. (Like: "Wanted, your lips on my c**k.") Some - including the owner - said it's all "funny - a joke." I'm far from a prude, but I don't think it's in very good taste to have this plastered on the back of a creepy-looking van.
Many responded that I was trying to stifle free speech. Nope, not at all. I just think it's stupid speech.
3. "That Guy Hiding Out From Work in Our Parking Lot." I wrote about a guy who seems to be hiding out in our parking lot a couple of times a week. I guessed he was hiding from work. People told me to "mind my own business."
4. "South Jersey's Secret Gas Station." A story about a gas station charging less that not a lot of people know about. Apparently, I was spilling the beans on a big secret. Again, I was told to mind my own business.
5. "Honkin' at The Hubcap Tree." I wrote that I always beeped when passing the hubcap pyramid on Route 322. More than many people called me crazy. (Hey, if God didn't want me to beep my horn, he wouldn't have put one in my car!)
6."I Call B.S. on the Millville Bigfoot Family." I did a story about the numerous sighting of Bigfoot by a YouTube poster. I claim it's all bull----.
7. "The Biggest Lie in Egg Harbor Township." I did a story on a traffic sign in EHT that is 100% wrong and inaccurate. I did not advocate running over old people with your car - although it seems like people thought that's what I was doing. Jeez! (By the way, three months later and that lying sign still is posted!)
8. "The Hot Realtor". This guy appears to be having success doing things a little differently in the real estate world. Lots of people had comments!
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