At what age should you have achieved a successful bedtime routine? You'd think it'd be somewhere between the ages of 4 to 7, right? At the very least, you'd think that's something that would be locked in by adulthood, right?

Apparently, that's not the case for most people here in the Garden State.

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New Jersey, I'm disappointed in you.

I know they call us the "Dirty Jersey," but I had NO IDEA how literal that statement could be applied until I learned some rather gut-wrenching information about most people's bedtime habits. Most people in New Jersey care about their health and outward appearance... or so we thought.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Bedtime Routines Are Important

There are a few things you should ALWAYS be doing before you lay your head down on your pillow at night to ensure you're getting the best sleep possible. Not to mention, the things you do before bed set you up for the best overall health. By 30, most would think a healthy bedtime routine would be set in stone.


New Jersey's Nasty Bedtime Habit

A study has revealed that only a bit over 30% of people actually make sure to brush their teeth before bed. Honestly, who doesn't brush their teeth at night? Pardon me while I try not vomit.

Sure, we all skip brushing once in a while, but the fact that most people don't usually try to brush before going to bed makes my stomach churn.

Photo by Superkitina on Unsplash
Photo by Superkitina on Unsplash

Hardly Anybody Brushes Their Teeth Regularly

The study showed that only 33% of us choose to make teeth brushing before bed a habit. Do you have any idea how much bacteria builds up in your mouth overnight? That's just gross.

Brushing your teeth is such a simple step that can prevent a lot of other health issues down the road. The bacteria that can wreak havoc on your mouth can actually get into your bloodstream, too. That can lead to inflammation in so many other places which always leads to trouble.

Bottom line: brush your dang teeth, New Jersey! Your mom taught you that when you were 4. Make sure you don't forget it!

New Jersey's 5 Most Disgusting Sleeping Habits

Ew. Gross. When it comes to bedtime routines, New Jersey is flat out DIRTY. Here are the Top 5 reasons why.

Gallery Credit: Heather DeLuca

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