Genius Lifesaving Voicemail Hack All Of NJ Should Know
You read that correctly. By programming your voicemail a certain way, you just may save your life. We'll get to that in a minute.
First, let's talk about nature. Getting outside and reconnecting with the natural world is an amazing escape for some of us here in the Garden State, especially when life gets really busy. The hustle and bustle of daily life often keeps us on the go, many people find relief and joy in spending time outdoors. Whether it’s hiking through the Pine Barrens, kayaking down the Great Egg Harbor River, or just getting lost in the woods, these activities offer a refreshing break from the everyday grind.

Hiking, for example, is not only great for your physical health—giving you a workout and fresh air—but it’s also excellent for clearing your mind and reducing stress.
Controversial lifesaving voicemail hack debated on social media
These outdoor adventures are fantastic for your well-being, to be sure, but they also come with their own set of risks. One important thing to remember is that accidents can happen, and sometimes they’re related to something as simple as losing cell service. In remote areas like the Pine Barrens or while kayaking on less-traveled rivers, your phone might not have a signal. This can be a real issue if you need help or if you find yourself in an unexpected situation.
Think about it: if you’re hiking and you lose your way, not having a cell signal can make it harder to get directions or call for help. Similarly, if you’re kayaking and something goes wrong, like capsizing or getting caught in a current, not being able to contact someone could delay assistance.
A piece of advice has recently gone viral on social media that reveals how helpful your own voicemail could be in a situation like this.
What is recommended if you find yourself in some sort of trouble is for you to record a new voicemail greeting. Be sure to include where you are, what you're doing, and what happened to you. Did you run out of gas? Did you trip and sprain your ankle? Did you fall down the side of a hill? Whatever it is, make sure you say that in your greeting. Leave as much information as possible.
If your phone dies, the first responders attempting to locate you won't have to guess where you are. You would have already provided that information for them.
There have been people, however, claiming you can do this even without cell service. According to USA Today, that is not the case. However, if you're able to get it done with just data, it could absolutely be what ultimately saves your life.
If you happen to be looking for a place to reconnect with nature, we might have the perfect suggestion:
Hiking New Jersey: Egg Harbor Township Nature Reserve
Gallery Credit: Shawn Michaels
Hiking New Jersey: Bass River State Forest
Gallery Credit: Shawn Michaels
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