Has An Ex Reached Out To You During the Quarantine?
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, you're not alone.
As it turns out, about 25% of people have heard from an ex during the COVID-19 crisis. That's one in four people! The Kinsey Institute is currently examining research from a survey that shows how and why people are more likely to reach out to an ex under the current circumstances than they would normally.
Of those that have reached out to an ex, half have actually taken that a step further by reaching out to, not just one, but multiple partners from the past. Depending on the situation, hearing from an ex while in quarantine can spark even more feelings of anxiety than you may already be feeling.
The spike in anxiety isn't even confined to the parameters of an ex-partner. Hearing from anyone you've chosen to cut out of your life is enough to make you feel uneasy. Of course, it's always more stressful if a romantic partner pops up randomly as opposed to someone who was a platonic friend.
The most comforting piece of data mined from the survey confirms that most who've reached out to an ex are single. While there is a small percentage of people in relationships making contact with old flames, the majority of those engaging in conversations with past partners are currently single themselves.
Have you been contacted by an ex while in quarantine? Or, are YOU reaching out to your old flames? Do you have any advice for those that are playing with the idea of making contact with a past love? Share it below!
Source: lehmiller.com