Here’s How to See and Meet Tim McGraw Friday Night!
Tim McGraw is coming to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City this weekend, and we want you to see and meet him!
Cat Country has teamed up with Tim to auction off a special prize, to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Wednesday morning, from 6:15am until 9:30am, we'll be auctioning off a pair of tickets to Friday's concert - and a pair of Meet and Greet passes!
If your bid is the highest, you'll get the two tickets, and you'll go backstage to meet Tim before the show!
Here's how the auction will work:
*Only bids phoned in to 609-383-1073 between 6:15 and 9:30 Wednesday morning will be permitted.
*In order to bid, you must beat the previous high bid by at least $25.
*Whoever submits the highest bid by 9:30 will be declared the winner.
*Once a winner is selected, he or she must pay for the tickets in one of two ways: 1. A credit card. 2. Cash or certified check, brought to our studios in person by 12 noon.
*If the high bidder doesn't not successfully pay their bid, we'll go back to the auction's 2nd highest bidder and offer the package at that price.
A couple of things to know:
The tickets are courtesy of Tim McGraw's record company. The exact seating location will be determined shortly before the concert Friday night.
The meet and greet will be very short. Often, autographs are not given, and you can't use your phone or camera. Instead, a designated photographer will take your photo with Tim, and it will be made available on-line.
You must be on-time and in-place for the meet and greet. That will be your responsibility.
Finally, all meet and greets are subject to cancellation by the singer or his manager without notice or reason. (In 20+ years, I've never seen this happen, but we need to mention it, just in case.)
100% of the highest bid will go directly to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
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