Locals Share Their Most Memorable Movies at EHT’s Towne 16 Theater
For generations, "going to the movies" has meant so much more than just seeing a movie on a big screen.
"Going to the movies" has meant a night out, a first date, a first kiss, a gathering of friends, and more. Sometimes it was about the movie, but often it was about sharing the experience with a family member, a friend, or a new love.

I remember my first "car date" involved a trip to the movies. We kissed in the back row --- and it took me to the end of the feature to get the nerve to turn and go in for that kiss.
I grew up without ever going to a movie theater until I was 16 years old. It quickly became a favorite place where I could escape the pressures of things happening at home. It was my hideaway, where I could watch great stories - and some really bad ones - unfold in front of me.
The Towne 16 in EHT, while "just a building" has meant so much to so many people, and now it's being torn down, brick by brick.
I asked people on Facebook about their favorite memories of the ol' Towne 16, and we received some wonderful answers. Here are some of them:
Miste Eveler: "First movie I ever saw was in that theater with Kentora Miller. It was called 'Big Business.'"
Kentora Miller: "Miste Dove Eveler oh wow!!!! You just took me way back lol ."
Dawn Heist: "My husband and I went on our very first date there and saw 'North Dallas Forty.' That was 43 years ago."
Tammy Lynn: "I saw a 3d movie about rodents, it was so real, there were rats under my chair."
Taryn Lee: "'Saw 3,' my first date with my now-husband 15 yrs ago."
Eric Johnson: "Most memorable was seeing 'Smokey & The Bandit' with my Dad....he laughed so much...we loved it! Nice memory of my Dad."
Joelle Bridgers: "'Ghostbusters!!' The line was out the door! It was also my first job with working papers as a candy girl!"
Lisa Ciampitti: "Many great memories. One in particular sticks out because my mother was screaming at us while we were getting out of the car.. 'You better not go see 'Eddie Murphy Raw.'"
Donna Black: "Opening day of 'Jaws.' Theatre was so crowded people were sitting on floor."
Alison Elizabeth: "Carrie" - the remake, then we went to Dessert Works afterwards!
Laurie Valentino had her first kiss at the theater. (It wasn't me! LOL)
Cindy Rossi: "We took our kids to see their first movies there… 'Monsters inc' and 'Scooby Doo'… I went and saw the 'Santa Clause' and they handed out 'Lion King' posters."
Patti Foster: "Aww I saw 'Titanic' there that’s one I remember!"
Susan Kennedy: "My mom took my brother and me to see 'Jaws.' Before it was Towne16. She never took us to the beach again. Lol."
Tom Mozitis: "We bought tix for 'The Muppet Movie' and planned to sneak into 'PORKY’s'….. five of us… the first three made it into 'Porky’s.' ME? Well… 'Rainbow Connection' is a good song!
Goodbye Towne 16. Thanks for the memories!
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